To find out how to use Mags Inc., some tricks to create a great magazine and about our point system, please check below


1.How to use
First of all, let's "Create Magazine".

- Tap "TOP>Make" and select template.

- A magazine with no photo will be displayed.

- "double-tap" leads to editable mode.
Put pictures and texts.

- Edit one page by one page.
This is the final step for collage.

- You need edit all the pages for printing and E-book(PDF).
2.How to print photobook
After editing all the pages, let's move to print photobook step.

- select the magazine you order on "Choose Magazines" Activity.

- Tap the book-shaped icon on right-top and select "Order Printing".

- Upload will start.
In bad connection environment, uploading may fail.
In this case re-upload is required.

- After upload completed, input order information.

- The price is 500~/book(tax excluded) and the carriage 500(tax excluded).
Carriage is free buy 2 and over books.

- After input billing information, order comfirm mail will be sent.
This is the final step of "Order Printing".

- In usual, it takes 7-10 days to deliver.
3.How to make E-book
All the pages of the magazine can be shared using E-book(PDF).

- Select the magazine on "Choose Magazines" Activity.

- Tap book-shaped icon on right-top and select "Order making E-book(PDF)".

- The price is 100yen/file(tax excluded).

- Created E-book(PDF) can be attached to e-mail or so, and support e-book readers.

About photos

1.Select light pictures.
Photobook will be printed out a little darker than displayed with app.

Bright filter make pictures lighter.

Blanks between pictures and template will be printed out deep gray color.

- Fill in the blanks using the adjustment buttons.

-"Previous" button restore to the default position.
2.Select large pictures. icon_print_alert icon_print_error
Recommended size : resolution 960 x 1,280 px and more
Recommended enlargement ratio: x 2.5 or less

Collage with pictures lower than recommended may not be clear.
Large pictures are helpful to make clear photo book.

Image quality may be deteriorated more or less when printed.
The image will become pixelated when printed. Choosing other images is highly recommended.

Recommended picture size to put in an expanded photo page is as below:

Photobook(Magazine Type/Book Type) : 2,122 x 2,976 px
Mini Album : 2,453 x 1,750 px
* Larger pictures than above can be used but does not affect the products quality.
3.Change the layout
  • Photos do not fit into frames (you want to set the photo as landscape although template frame is portrait and vice versa)
  • Too few photos to set (some frames are empty)
  • Too many photos to set (need more frames)
If you have these problems, try page layout change. In each page of templates, there are option pages showing different number of photo frames, shapes and layouts.
Find page layout fitting your favorite photos.
∗ This icon_layout_change is the icon for option page.
∗ There are templates and pages which have no option pages.

About point

1.What is point?
We have a cost-saving point system: the more you use Mags Inc., the more you can save points! You can redeem the points for paid templates!
2.How To Get Points?
  • Regist, 500P GET
  • Register from member registration button on the My Page.
  • Create, 10P GET
  • Make a new magazine.
    *Once a day only
  • Invite friends, 400P GET
  • Let's invite your friends, and get more POINTS!
    Inform your "Retrieval code" of MyPage to your friends.
    If your friends install "Mags inc." and enter your "Retrieval code", your friends and you would get 100 points!
  • Order, 500P GET
  • Order for printing.
3.How to check the number of points?
Be displayed in "MyPage".

About the account

1.About unsubscribing
You can process unsubscribing from “TOP>Menu>My page>Unsubscribe”.

* Unsubscribing function is available from the following version of application.
Android: ver.4.6.13 or later
iOS: ver.3.6.10 or later
Please verify the version of your application from the application setting.

[For those who registered using iOS "Sign in with Apple"]
After completing unsubscribing process on Mags Inc., please unlink "Sign in with Apple".
Please refer Apple official support website for detail.

In case you are using the application older than above, please contact us from “TOP>Menu>Contact”.
* Please put “Unsubscribing request” in the title.


1.About download font
MagsInc. uses "Archivo Black" and "GenShinGothic(by Jikasei-font-koubou)".
These Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
2.Can I use a template purchased on the smartphone version on the PC version?
No, templates cannot be shared between the smartphone version and the PC version.
Only some of the templates for the smartphone version are available on the PC version.
All templates for the PC version are free of charge.
3.Cannot register using the same email address as the PC version.
Since the specifications of the PC version and the smartphone version are different, the same address cannot be registered.
Please use a different address.

Contact Support

Click here to get support by e-mail.