1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [56pages/52photos]
Wide Design 46 pages
Left binding
1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [46pages/42photos]
Wide Design 36 pages
Left binding
1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [36pages/32photos]
Basic Design 50 pages
Left binding
1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [56pages/52photos]
Basic Design 46 pages
Left binding
1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [46pages/42photos]
Basic Design 56 pages
Left binding
1 large scale photo per page. A simple design with the photo, date taken, and the page number. The date will be inputted automatically. * You can also opt not to print the page number and the date. [36pages/32photos]